HomeAid: Building New Lives for America's Homeless
HomeAid is a nonprofit organization that provides temporary housing for the homeless. It builds multi-unit shelters for transitionally homeless families and individuals. After a shelter is built, HomeAid donates it to a charity to continue operating it. The residents typically stay in these shelters for one and a half to two years.
Homeless Resource Network: Solving Homelessness Together
The Homeless Resource Network, formerly known as Metropolitan Columbus Task Force for the Homeless, Inc. has, since 1987, served the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) of Columbus, Georgia and Russell County, Alabama, in the coordination of services and information for the homeless population. The Network began as a coalition of interested individuals who charged themselves with the task of addressing homelessness on a community level. In 1995, with assistance from the City of Columbus and the Georgia Coalition to End Homelessness, the Network for the first time established an office and hired staff. The Network continues to address homelessness as a non profit 501(c)(3) organization in partnership with service providers, concerned citizens and people experiencing homelessness.
National Coalition for The Homeless
The National Coalition for the Homeless is a national network of people who are currently experiencing or who have experienced homelessness, activists and advocates, community-based and faith-based service providers, and others committed to a single mission. That mission is to end homelessness.